Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dolla dolla bills y'all

We just did a budget. It sucked. I'm depressed. I know that I was designed and evolved into being most comfortable in a life of luxury. Where is it?? I'd know exactly what to do with it.

Going to see mom & dad for a week-ish in late June. Excited about that, but since it's upaid, also a little worried.

How to make money; a brainstorming activity:

- Sell my ova.

- Be a surrogate

-Find a real way to make millions online with just a simple website. No work! Think of it as a cruise control deposits into your checking account. There has to be a real one out there!

-Sell the rejected products he brings me home on eBay at $2 less than it would cost to buy the quality product.

-Start my own webcam focusing on some strange and mild fetish. Maybe verbal scolding, leg shaving, or watching me do the dishes. Some sort of way for me to do nothing whore-ish, yet make big bucks off of weirdos.

-Mow lawns.

-Get a 2nd legitimate job. Ugh..... Luxury, diamonds, pearls, hammocks, and housekeepers.... where ART thou?

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